Day lilies grows in zones 3-10 and their plant type is herbaceous perennial. They will grow 7 inches to 4 feet in height. They like their soil be moist and well-drained and they do good being in full sun to partial shade.
Day lilies sure can be real pretty when they bloom and they need only minimal care for all of their colorful blooms. I plant my dayliles in groups in my yard, and they will become a ground cover that is a vigorous, soil-stabilizing one that can outgrow most weeds. During the growing season, their grass like, arching leaves are very attractive, and they provide a lush foil for their blossoms. Daylilies's flowers bloom on a stout, branched stems that are called scapes, and each day lily has many of these, even if the daylilies's blooms last one on day, there is such as beautiful display of many blooms on each plant. The blooming season lasts for weeks. There is so many different colors, sizes, and flowering times, that I can have day lilies blooming in my yard from late spring until frost.
There are hundreds of different day lilies available and they are distinguished by their flower color, height and season. One of the day lilies is "Peach Fairy" and it is a 26 inch tall miniature producing a 2/1/2 inch wide melon pink and it blooms mid season. "Stellade Oro" is the most popular variety of day lily. It is a 12 inch tall miniature with 2/3 inch golden yellow flowers that is grangrant and blooms mid to late season. "Eenie Weenie" is a 7 inch tall dwarf that has yellow flowers and it blooms over an extended season. "Singing Sixteen" is 20 inches tall and has apricot blend flowers that blooms in late season. "Bontiful Valley" grows 28 inches tall and it has lemon yellow flowers with lime throats and they bloom in mid season. Another day lily that blooms mid season is "Catherine Woodbury" it grows 30 inches tall and has pale pink flowers that are 4 inches across with lavender undertones and it has yellow throats. this is another reason I love day lilies for my yard and t is I can have day lilies blooming all season long. This is only a few daylilies, there is so many more.
I can plant my day lilies in my yard both in the spring and fall. I planted all of my light colored varieties up under a little shade because the show up better. Day lilies thrives real good in soil that has organic matter added to it. I always watch and try not to over fertilize my day lilies because if I do this; it will rank growth and reduced flowers.
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